Close up of Caucasian mature skin with visible signs of aging.

Understanding skin conditions

In our previous article we discussed the most common categorization of skin types. It is important to distinguish skin types from skin conditions. While you cannot change your skin type, skin conditions can be either permanent or temporary. They can co-exist with all skin types, even with other skin conditions at the same time! Various skin conditions exist but we will analyze the most common ones.

Dehydrated skin is caused by lack of water in the skin.  It is usually confused with dry skin as they present common signs, but dehydrated skin is not a skin type. Oily skin can be dehydrated too! Dehydrated skin can sometimes be caused by a genetic predisposition, but it is mostly a result of a damaged skin barrier. Medicine, dry and cold weather, over-exfoliation and sun exposure are all factors that can damage our skin barrier and affect its capacity to retain water properly. 

Sensitive skin is another skin condition that is characterized by the skin’s overreaction to external factors. When the irritants or allergens in cosmetic products come in contact with a weakened skin barrier, they can reach deeper in the skin than they are supposed to and cause extreme irritation. Common symptoms of sensitive skin are itching, stinging and redness.

Mature skin comes inevitably with time. As we age, the skin barrier becomes thinner, the skin cells are renewed at a slower rate and the skin produces less oil. There are both internal and external factors that contribute to aging skin. Sun exposure can be one of the most damaging extrinsic factors. 

Acne-prone skin is a condition where the skin is more susceptible to develop comedones. Comedones occur when sebum and dead skin cells accumulate inside hair follicles resulting in clogged pores. Closed comedones or whiteheads develop under the skin, while open comedones or blackheads acquire this color because of air oxidation.

Hyperpigmentation is a condition which causes some patches of skin to be more pigmented than the rest. There are a lot of different types of this condition. For example freckles are a type of hyperpigmentation. Sun exposure can worsen the intensity of the condition but hyperpigmentation can also be caused by inflammation, aging or skin injuries.

Skincare can help manage some of these conditions to a certain level, but they can often be persistent. In any case, if you struggle with any kind of skin condition which affects your everyday life physically or mentally, consulting a dermatologist is a good idea.

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